Human rights?! More like human LIGHTS!
The Olympics are my favorite thing ever, so much so that I went out and got the whole HDTV set up just to enhance my viewing abilities. This turned out to be the most wise and auspicious choice as I now get a network that airs 24 HOUR OLYMPIC COVERAGE. Move over Bob Costas - China v.s. Russia Women's Handball is on!
That was a joke. Bob Costas shall never be moved over and pretty much IS the Olympics for me - that jaunty demenor teamed with encyclopedic knowledge and the ablity to grill the president long enough to make him late for swimming events... a true American idol. (TOTALLY something Bob would say, by the way.)
That was a joke. Bob Costas shall never be moved over and pretty much IS the Olympics for me - that jaunty demenor teamed with encyclopedic knowledge and the ablity to grill the president long enough to make him late for swimming events... a true American idol. (TOTALLY something Bob would say, by the way.)

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