We also confirmed that:
1) We've all had enough Suede
2) Kenley is not a fun bitch like Terri was and continues to grate
3) Jerrell is a silly snake in jaunty hats who continues to shock me with his wins!
Jerrell's young lady has the same body type he does. It's all collar bones and legs:
The challenge was a full makeover, so they got rid of the skunk blond chunks in her hair and she was much improved. I thought this looks was fine (the details in the cardigan don't show up in this picture - they were cool) but it was a bit muted. The girl loved it, so what do I care? Congrats, Silly Snake.
As a result of the win, Jerrell and his model were photographed for a Tresseme ad in Elle Magazine. And Jerrell, being the styling horror that he is chose this jaunty featherduster muff to wear on his head:
Hard to tell from this photo, but it's a nightmare. From some angles it looks like feathers, other angles, it looks like leaves. From every angle, it looks like Jerrell's Scarey Hat Emporium.
For the elimination, it was between Joe and Suede. It would be so much less laborious if the judges would have just axed BOTH of them... but sadly, it was only a single elimination.
Joe's girl was really cute. She showed up wearing a neon green scarf, slouchy boots and a highwaisted pencil skirt. She wants to be a graphic designer. He basically gave her an interview outfit with a popped collar and a pocket square (literally). I didn't hate it as much as the judges did, but it really wasn't working with her style. Plus, I do loath me some Joe and he was getting the MAJOR loser edit. It was pretty obvi when the client didn't like the pinstripe and he was like "I'll talk her into it" and how much he was talking about his family... that spells doom.
I have to say that Suedes was much, much worse:
So, these photos SUCK. This girl was beautiful (and Russian). Her hair looked horrid, so the Treseme team did wonderfully - but the rest of the outfit, yipes. The jacket had bell sleeves and ribbon detailing... in purple. Ug city. The print could have gone either way and the dress looked really nice on the girl (again, because she was pretty) but what a horrible thing to do to such a nice young lady. He talked her out of pants because he doesn't "do" them (read: can't make them) and put her out there looking like Selena - great line, Leanne!
Speaking of Leanne:
School marm
Speaking of Leanne:

She was in the bottom but only for one hot minute. When you saw her on the runway with Suede and Joe... you could say the words with Heidi "Leanne, you're safe". I really didn't like the jacket - I'm not a fan of puffy buttons. At. All. The dress, though, which you can't see in this CRAP PICTURE was pretty cute. Much better suited to this girl who is an El Ed major - which is why she reminded me of half the girls I knew at Miami. Nothing about the outfit says 'teacher' to me, but then again, neither did the animal print that the mother wanted!
Kenley pulled out some more Belegncia one-note stuff:
Talk about luck of the draw. Kenley got herself for this challenge, or at least you would think so based on the outfit for this gal. She's a fashion buyer and showed up in all vintage clothing. As a woman of size, I have to say that the tulle skirt is not flattering when one is not a model. It made her look much wider than she actually is and that's no good! The really annoyance for me was when she and Kenley started laughing on the runway in the EXACT SAME MANNOR. Ug, I know she'll be in the final three, but I just find it all tiresome.
Kenley pulled out some more Belegncia one-note stuff:
Talk about luck of the draw. Kenley got herself for this challenge, or at least you would think so based on the outfit for this gal. She's a fashion buyer and showed up in all vintage clothing. As a woman of size, I have to say that the tulle skirt is not flattering when one is not a model. It made her look much wider than she actually is and that's no good! The really annoyance for me was when she and Kenley started laughing on the runway in the EXACT SAME MANNOR. Ug, I know she'll be in the final three, but I just find it all tiresome.
I will now deliver the kiss of death: Korto is my favorite designer. Sadly, this means that she will not win, but I'm a huge fan of her work AND the collection she showed at bryant park.

Final thought, I LOVED Heidi's dress at the elimination. I was drooling over it, even if it is a bit Rami-Santino -esque. Love, love, love. I'll try to find a picture to update
Hopefully things at Our Nation's Capitol will slow down enough for M.S-S. to come back soon! If you haven't seen all the collections, go to Project Rungay and take a peek. Everyone shows, so I feel like there is much less tension for the remaining designers. It kind of ruins the show for me, but whateves... at least the challenges don't totally suck anymore.
1 comment:
Seriously - how many trees had to die for that thing on Jerell's head?!?
CLICK HERE for DavidDust's Project Runway recap.
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