Saturday, August 30, 2008
Friday, August 29, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
More Fashion
That being said, this is an amazing photograph and is one of the reasons I can't dismiss fashion even though all reason says it's a waste of time:

Photo via Jezebel.
Don't trust the bitch
M. S-S: girl!
me: Can I just say that I know it's a dull season because I agree with the judges on EVERYTHING
M. S-S: most obvious auf ever?
me: seriously. all the panic-y talking about the judges in the room
M. S-S: gay mormon meltdown
me: exactly.
M. S-S: i was so annoyed with him by the end that i was just like, "k, bye"
me: seriously
M. S-S: and he was all, "I KNEW you would sit down"
me: LOVED when Laura did the "... excuse me?" bright smile
M. S-S: i was like, "Keith is going to be nothing but a bloody smear on the runway when Laura gets done with him"
M. S-S: yeah
me: I thought stella's skirt looked nice
me: At least it was her
M. S-S: that's why i thought it was really weird she decided to go "ladylike" this time
me: well, the leatha was the obvious way to go
M. S-S: i thought for sure she would stand out because she has experience with leather, grommets, etc/
me: I'm glad she was aware of it
M. S-S: but when you have the perfect skill set for a challenge, you shouldn't go off in another direction
me: tooooot that's my one-note recorder for Keif
M. S-S: keith is SUCH a one note
M. S-S: here is my point of reference for this challenge:
me: Funny, that was actually on right before the new PR
M. S-S: and saleisha had to pose with car parts
me: I do remember that
M. S-S: which led to us cackling and shouting CAR PARTS
me: that's how I feel about the word "scissor box" used on Sheer Genius
M. S-S: scissor box!
me: haha, then be prepared to have me explode in laughter every time you introduce yourself
M. S-S: the word box is ALWAYS funny to me
me: ditto.
me: hmm... i actually don't recall
Megan: shannon could have walked the shit out of that shit
me:... there have been a few non-model challenges
M. S-S: i think her new model is germaine...kell
me: Ooooh, right
M. S-S: and i have hated her since day one
M. S-S: and she walks like...remember last season when victorya directed her model to walk like an "ice princess?"
me: she really does
M. S-S: this is a sad and sorry bunch of hangers
me: It really is
M. S-S: nope, no money for the models
me: I was not aware
M. S-S: and the opportunity to get ridiculed by a televised audience, apparently
me: now I realize why they are flakey and mostly lame
M. S-S: true
me: just rip a stitch and deal
Megan: but i suspect it would have looked better on shannon
me: I think Laura really liked the sillouette
M. S-S: yeah, and that's my taste as well
me: even her super annoying personality!
me: and can't style his model for SHIT
M. S-S: yeah!
me: seriously. I expect more
M. S-S: but surely you should be better at this shit
me: and I really take offense you wearing a dashiki made out of a bed sheet and a sailor hat to the runway
M. S-S: and the styling pretty much ruined it for me
me: agreed.
me: I like the use of the metal shapes and using the back side of the leather
me: that was... scatterbrained
M. S-S: i said that it looked like a car wash
me: oooh, you are a genius!
M. S-S: proving michael kors and i are twins separated at birth
me: maybe you'll start making $38,000 coats
M. S-S: though i am slightly less orange
me: and dated bags
M. S-S: (his shoes are awful)
me: (sorry, had to say it)
M. S-S: (concur)
M. S-S: and heidi -- i'm not sure it's actually 7 years no sex
M. S-S: although that may be the same thing in the klum-seal household, so
me: I think that for Klum-Seal, bad luck and no sex would be interchangeable
M. S-S: oh no, my sexy igloo melted!
M. S-S: (you know the sexy igloo tale, right?)
me: ... refresh my memory
M. S-S: the MY-husband-prop
me: oooooh right
M. S-S: models -- they're just like us!
me: your relationship is better!
M. S-S: although, i have to say that having a husband who can perform "kiss from a rose" on demand is a distinct advantage
me: To quote Laura Winslow from Family Matters when she went to a Seal Concert circa 1995:
M. S-S: heh
me: thanks!
M. S-S: three points to seal
me: BUT - they live on the west coast
M. S-S: hoorah!
me: Per Tyra:
M. S-S: but thanks to tyra - i have learned how to smile with my eyes
me: Do you see the difference?
M. S-S: mmmm yes
me: THAT'S a model
M. S-S.: ::heidi klum seal voice::
me: Hm.. now I have to go remind myself
me: it was good
M. S-S.: but she's a fun bitch
me: indeed
M. S-S.: i liked her outfit too
M. S-S.: yeah, me too
me: I didn't like the fish tail in the back
M. S-S.: it looked like balenciaga
me: that is so the silhouette right now
M. S-S.: yup
me: and the RED
M. S-S: i have hated everything he's done except the drag outfit
me: agreed
M. S-S: yeah, exactly
me: I think it was what the judges were thinking they would see
M. S-S: well, yeah, it trumped freaking 1940s cocktail dresses
me: yeah, skorts...
me: And finally: Suede's
me: it was so forgettable
M. S-S: dropped waist, short skirt
me: and ENOUGH with the dead people chit chat
me: I can't believe that no one else has anything of interest to say over the scenes of everyone working
M. S-S: these people are boring
me: He's at red lobster having a lover's quill with Tim!!
M. S-S: like last night
me: can you imagine Santino's Drag entry
M. S-S: when keith was crying
me: HA
M. S-S: "it's just fashion, it's just fashion"
me: faaaashion

*Monrovia does not refer to her husband as Husband - I just didn't want to think up a clever alias.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
things i like
Monday, August 25, 2008
Harper's Bizarre
The Closer
It's not a secret that I adore Michelle Obama - outside the political arena and in. I think she's made some tough sacrifices for her husband's carreer but she's classy, confident and smaaaaart. I can't wait for her speech tonight, as it will, no doubt, make me extremely proud of my country. This is needed, as I do not have the Olympics to make my heart pump red, white and blue.
Preach, girl.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Cheek, mate! (See what I did there?)
Thursday, August 21, 2008

Image from
Also, this:
Dahmer and Greasy McSoberton? NOW it all makes sense. Daniel just really let himself go after saying good-bye to is sweet, belted lover.
Another Mystery Solved by your own Nancy Drew.
I love me some drag queens. Direct quote from alex's mom last evening: "Does it have to be so... gay?!"
YOU'D BETTER BELIEVE IT! Monrovia Staples- Soliloquy totally agreed:
me: A dream come true!
M. S-S: i mean really
me: My favorite challenge thus far
M. S-S: best project runway episode ever, possibly at least since season 2
me: In the history of the show
Although, some of those ladies were a mess!
M. S-S: you know what killed me? seeing the queens as normal looking dudes
me: Totally! I was watching with my friend Erin and we were like "My mind is BLOWN" And Acid was a totally cute dude
M. S-S: definitely
me: Not to repeat myself
But I love me some terri
M. S-S: i love her too she's great and her outfit was pretty spectacular
me: And I loved that kimono
Totally. It was perfect for her lady
Her GIANT lady
M. S-S: 7 foot tall drag queen
i want to adopt one
me: Me too
I will say, while I'm not a Joe person
He really worked thay jumpsuit out
It was the fit that did it
M. S-S: i actually liked the jumpsuit better than terri's hers was a little...psycho transvestite killer from silence of the lambs? maybe?
me: Ouch! I thought it was really fitting for the Drag Queen
And since it wasn't made of human skin... I didn't make that connection
M. S-S: heh i just thought it was a leeeeeeetle scary
is all i'm saying i did like it
but not as much as joe's
me: Major sidenote:
As a child, I was TERRIFIED of Geisha women
I had a Kid Songs sing along tape with accompanying book of words/ festive photos
And Sa-ku-ra freaked my shit out because of the dancing Geisha in the book
So, I see what you're saying
M. S-S: haaaaaa i love sa-ku-ra
i can play it on the saxophone
me: I thought they were ghosts
And instead of saying "boo" they say sa-ku-ra
And throw cherry blossoms at you
I'm actually over it now
I have transfered that fear to Clowns, like any normal adult
M. S-S: that's hilarious
me: Aaaaanyway, Joe did a great job
It was so ... Funny!
It made me laugh
It was the little hat
M. S-S: it helped his drag queen was awesome
me: Detachable bangs!!!
And the "candy belt"
M. S-S: and the anchor accessories i'm guessing those didn't come from the bluefly accessories wall...
me: Yeeeah, the l'oreal room clearly was not the only make up session for the ladies
Like they would trust anyone but themselves
This whole show made me so happy
M. S-S: word - i know
Me: Red sequence!
7 foot lady man!
Daniel's gone!!!!1!!
M. S-S: i really liked korto's by the way with the crazy fire collar
me: Korto's was amazing
It looked like it would take days
And Chris was loving it
M. S-S: i knew daniel was gone
me: Me, too
M. S-S: and he didn't listen to tim
as soon as tim identified issues with his outfit
ALWAYS listen to tim
me: But keith's was awful
M. S-S: the sad chicken
me: It was one sad-assed chicken
I kept expeting Daniel to scream at the judges "THIS IS NOT ART, DAMN YOU!"
M. S-S: he's so...sweaty
and nervous
and squirmy
me: And greasy
M. S-S: keith, on the other hand, is hot
minus the rattail
so i cannot argue with the decision to keep keith around thanks, judges!
me: His hotness is fading for me
His one noteiness diminishes the good-looks
M. S-S: enough with the fringe, dude
me: The more lame his fashion gets, the bigger that former mormon rat-tail looks
Yeah, let's see movement from something else besides fabic tatters
Liiike, oh, draping or something
M. S-S: draping! the return of rami
also -- the wookie thing cracked me up
me: Drapes by Rami!
M. S-S: i still don't like blayne but he and jerrell have grown on me
me: Yes, Jerrell was on fire last night
I loved when he started called Suede's Drag Queen "lettuce head"
M. S-S: and SUEDE what a freaking weirdo
me: That grandfather hallucination?
M. S-S: my dead grandfather told me to make lettuce gloves!
me: I was cracking up
And the b-roll footage of him just staring off in the work room
Suede hearts shrooms
M. S-S: his voice is strange to me his inflection sounds like a prim southern lady
me: He's like 35 going on 3
I have blue hair and you have green hair. You be my model now?
M. S-S: i dug his model
although she was right, it was a little godzilla
me: I loved lettucehead!
Her runway walk was like shuffle off the buffalo
M. S-S: how about the pterydactol?
ps -- i want to go to gay jurassic park
me: In theory, it was fine for the Queen
But droopy wings reminds me that the lady has a penis
And I don't want that
M. S-S: I liked it! And I really liked Leanne's
me: I think blayne's asthetic pairs perfectly for this challenge
me: Once again, she reminds me of Diana
M. S-S: definitely similar to diana and i agree she's better
me: also: nice call on the barfolicious
M. S-S: i found her etsy shop at one point
M. S-S: same here
me: it was good but the zipper looked like shit
M. S-S: true
me: it wasn't really right for the lady
M. S-S: the color combo reminded me of the ruffly coat jillian and victoria made last season
M. S-S: rupaul was not taking any shit, though
me: I love the term "candy belt"
me: god, me too.
M. S-S: "here, i made a cocktail dress. it may be ugly but it's very high end"
me: my taste is IMPECCABLE, lady, what are you even talking about?!
M. S-S: get off my tv and take a shower
me: thanks for the blog fodder!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Once again, Sara Schaefer totally wins, as she can remember what she dreams... and it's about total embarrassment! Just try to get through this without laughing. Click on Phelps for the link:

Saturday, August 16, 2008
I'm TELLING you!
The one that really pained me to miss was the Women's Gymnastics All-around medal ceremony because I didn' t know who one for like, four hours or something nutty like that! I was really rooting for Nastia, not because Shawn Johnson isn't awesome (she is) and not because I hate Iowa (how could I?!?) but because I really feel like Nastia is able to handle a lot of pressure. Her dad is her spotter! And he's a former Olympian! I would lose it on day one, as anyone knows my fabled golf-as-a-teenager stories. I admire her for the confidence to work through that and also... for being to graceful!!! Like a DANCER!
And Bela agrees with me... the below video is my favorite. "SHE'S A CHAMPION! I'M TELLING YOU!"
UPDATE: This video has been deleted
It's true, Bela. You totally told me.
Also, I'm not going to say that somewhere in the deepest darkest part of my horrid, caucasian heart, I don't see the humor in these pictures. However, is it a great move for a team of elite athletes bestowed with the honor of representing their country? PROBABLY NOT.

It takes me back to the playground in fifth grade. I expect them to break out into a song about "me put pee pee in your Coke" or something equally as culturally observant.

Frank Zhang, Li Ning's director of government and public affairs, played down the incident.
"We don't think this is an insulting gesture to the Chinese," Zhang said. "In fact, the gesture shows that the Spanish team is so humorous, relaxing and cute. They sat around a dragon pattern, which we think showed respect to the Chinese.
"Li Ning Ltd. will not change any business plans with the Spanish team because of this," Zhang added. "People should focus on great Olympic Games instead of something else."
Please note: The Chinese people have not actually seen these photos (for their own good, riiight??!) and therefore only high ranking folks in business/ the government have had a chance to review them. These would be the same people for whom a successful Olympics is the primary objective so...I'm sure everyone's totally fine with it. TOTALLY relaxing and cute.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Bordering on SWEET
You may know that alex once worked as a Special Orders manager at Borders, Inc. He was let go due to the company hemorraging money and also the innovative concept that Corporate HQ had to sell books ...(wait for it)... on the internet. This novel idea is sure to propel the company into the year 2000 with phenominal success!
To get in on the ground floor of what is sure to be a mildly popular utility used by a few super NERDS (who intrinsically heart books, am I right?!), Borders has created a new concept store where people can use computers to customize things and order books. This is a genius idea, as the personal computer has not contributed to the success of it's main competitors for the last 12 years or so one iota.
Quoth the article:
Unfortunately, the future for Borders is about five years ago for everyone else. The concept behind this Concept Borders? Computers!
What's next for these hipster geniuses? Make your own karaoke music video to any Beach Boys song for only 10.99? A rotery phone booth you can use for five bucks a call?! A mixed tape studio?! Siiiiigh...
Even though I'm resentful, I still really like this video of Ira Glass, because This American Life is my great love.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
I ain't got no babies...
me: Hooow Wee Goonna Paa aaay